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message failed to show

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Hi i am using 1.3.7 version. i am trying to integrate the captcha to my contact form but found out that the message 'Your message has been successfully sent to our team.' is missing when the form is successfully submitted.

Only the message like "invalid catpcha code" is correctly shown. can you advice?


<div id="contact_us">

{if isset($confirmation)}

<p>{l s='Your message has been successfully sent to our team.'}</p>	

<p class="contact_text">{l s='For questions about an order or for information about our products'}.</p>
{include file=$tpl_dir./errors.tpl}
<form action="{$request_uri|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" method="post" class="std">


My URL - loving7777777dessert.com/contact-form.php . Kindly remove all the 7777...

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