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[Solved] No images displaying on front end and back end

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I am at the early stages of prestashop. I had got the site working but had not added any products. But i could see all images on the site.


I was looking at themes and CSS files and made some changes to effect the colour of the columns and background etc. I then had the strangest problem, literally all images that appear on the site front end and back end do not display, you can see this here: http://www.safetyproductsdirect.co.uk/prestashop/product.php?id_product=5 . On this particular page, the image is accessible: http://www.safetyproductsdirect.co.uk/prestashop/img/p/1/5/15-large.jpg so it is not a case of the images not in the correct folder. All of the images as mentioned also disappeared on the back end: http://www.safetyproductsdirect.co.uk/prestashop/spd_backendscreengrab.jpg . Obviously i am thinking the problem has come because of changes i made but i didn't make any changes other than colour. In addition to try and deal with any issues, i uploaded all original files in themes and css folders but the images are still not displaying.


I am hoping this is something basic but i cannot see anywhere in the forums where somebody has described the same problem.


Any help would be much appreciated.





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Thanks, i appreciate the response. It appears that the problem is just in firefox. Tried loading in IE 8.0.6 and loads ok. I am using Firefox 5.0.1. As i mentioned, it was working fine previously so possibly there is a certain issue that causes firefox to not display images.


Any help would be appreciated.

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