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I see alot of post about this issue, But not one good response..


Authorizeaim module does not show up in the front office. I have tried everything and finally got it up on the front office, But i had to delete a line of code pertaining to https://.


Now, since i have it up, It is not sending my information to the Authorize.net platform.


Does anyone have this module working?? Or must i buy the thing and pay to have it added?

I honestly cannot see buying anything, since it was with the install, SO Whats the fix here??


Anyone know?

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yea so many of the free moduals with prestashop that US people need/use don't work properly. I quit reporting the bugs on them because they are not getting fixed. Authorize.net , ups, fedex, usps all of these have issues. If you want to use them you have to pay for them threw prestochangeo.

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Hi Devilsown,


Many bug that were reported on USPS and fedex were fixed. There are some new bugs that are still in corrections but you can't say that no bugs that you have reported has been fixed.



Hi Djholusa,


Could you tell me what is your problem exactly with Authorize.net ?


Best regards,

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