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Newbie needs to understand general procedures regarding Themes

Upgrading to New Versions of PrestaShop  

  1. 1. Do you upgrade to the newest version of PrestaShop?

    • Always
    • Often
    • Occasionally
    • Almost Never
  2. 2. Do you have to purchase major changes to your theme when you upgrade to a new version of PrestaShop?

    • Yes - Themes are not transferrable from one version of PrestaShop to another
    • Sometimes, Themes usually work across a few versions of PrestaShop
    • No, I never have problems with my Theme from one version of PrestaShop to another
    • No, I have decided to buy a new Theme each time I upgrade to a new version of PrestaShop

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I am new to PrestaShop and I just wondered what is the general consensus about upgrading to new versions of PrestaShop and having a Theme. Do developers usually upgrade their Themes to work with new versions of Presta Shop? Are Themes usually not compatible with new versions of PrestaShop? Do people usually wait a long while between upgrading to the lastest version of PrestaShop?


Thanks for all the info!


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