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Help with CSV file

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I have just started using csv and for a beginner its a bit of a struggle.


Can I suggest you check the headings you can upload on the WIKI then create a spreadsheet with all the heading you feel you need ( do not need to be in any particular order.

The populate the cells with the relevant information.


Save the spreadsheet as a csv file not xl. then try uploading it to your PS


Once you have it uploaded there is a facility in the import (second page) to match your columns with those of PS.


Good luck -


Hopefully some else with more experience might contribute as well

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Thanks for your reply


By going with what you are saying . Do i HAVE to use all of the header ? ie when you login to the admin and go to import . Then select products from the drop down menu . It give a list on the right hand size , the list is below . Do i have to use all of them as headers in the csv ? Thanks for your help gary



Active (0/1)

Name *

Categories (x,y,z...)

Price tax excl. or Price tax incl.

Tax rate

Wholesale price

On sale (0/1)

Reduction amount

Reduction per cent

Reduction from (yyyy-mm-dd)

Reduction to (yyyy-mm-dd)

Reference #

Supplier reference #







Short description


Tags (x,y,z...)




URL rewrited

Text when in-stock

Text if back-order allowed

Image URLs (x,y,z...)


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I'll try to help you out here a bit.

Create a spreadsheet using all those headers, (they don't all have to be filled in, but it helps when uploading your csv so they line up nicely).


Here's a thread that should help you greatly GREAT tutorial <--- click here

Go to post # 20 on that page. It helped me very much when trying to figure out the csv's.


My personal advice is to manually create your categories, then use the category ID in your csv. If an item belongs in two categories, separate their ID numbers with a comma in the column, with no space, like this : 5,12,4


Good luck !


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