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No Payment Options showing at checkout?

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I'm setting up several payment options: authorize.net, google, paypal, wire but none of them show up at the checkout (using guest checkout one page). It says 'please sign in to see payment methods' people should be able to see them without signing in in guest checkout.


- Authorize.net does not even have check box option under Payments/Countries Restrictions?? So it's not available to any country... I have it in test mode now but it should still be available so I could test it.


- module for Google Checkout says to test it first in 'sandbox' mode & supposedly you should have 2 separate merchant keys & merchant IDs one for sandbox mode and one for real mode. I have only one set for real mode in my google account..


- and how to set up Bank Wires? I provided bank name, acct number & location, is that enough... and it's not coming up at checkout as well.


Would really appreciate help on this! Thanks

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Ok.. I checked everything in Payments/Currencies restrictions, Group restrictions, Countries restrictions (for all except Authorize.net, authorize does not even have check box option instead showing '-' for all countries).


Still nothing showing on the front end. PLEASE HELP!! Can't process any payments if none of the payment modules/options visible to the customer.

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A customer needs to sign-in or enter their details (guest check out) before the payment option is presented.

The system needs to know an address to be able to apply shipping fees which would also come before any payment options are presented. Payment options are the last step in the process.


You can test the process all the way through until after the payment option is selected.

If Paypal is selected you can take it all the way to logging in to Paypal without actually carrying out the purchase.

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Ok.. I checked everything in Payments/Currencies restrictions, Group restrictions, Countries restrictions (for all except Authorize.net, authorize does not even have check box option instead showing '-' for all countries).


Still nothing showing on the front end. PLEASE HELP!! Can't process any payments if none of the payment modules/options visible to the customer.



HI Ella,


I dont know about the paypal and google, But as for Authorize.net, The coding is all messed up. First off it is only available in the Usa. if you scoll down your list of countries you will see a check next to United states. To fix this, Delete this code located at the top of authorizeaim.php...


$this->limited_countries = array('us');


Secondly, Mine still did not show up after doing that, So i played around a little and deleted another code and it brought it up on my front office. Cut this code and see if it works for you. Located authorizeaim.php


if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) AND strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off' AND Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED'))


Mine now shows up, but it is not connecting to the authorize.net server.. maybe it will for you.


Good luck

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Thank you guys!! I really appreciate it. I finally got them to show on front end, except for Authorize. I don't even have check box for the US..... no check boxes for ANY country. All countries show '-', which is very annoying. I'll try deleting those codes & see how it works.


Google checkout - showing at the front end now, but I still don't know where to find merchant key & ID for sandbox mode? I only see for real mode in my google account :huh:

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