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Black & White for 1.4 HELP

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I've installed Black&White Theme here: http://www.marmuratm.roand I have 2 problems:


1.Please help me get rid of the home slideshow original link... I've tried editing all the files from theme's editor module, but no success.


2.I want to change website's left and right sides background with an image.


Thank you!

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1. I should be in /modules/editorial/editorial.tpl this is for one slide

  <li style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; display: none; z-index: 2; opacity: 0;"> 
  <a href="idi/servicios.html"> <img src="{$base_dir}modules/editorial/images/3.jpg" alt="image" /> </a> 
  <span class="slide_caption"> 
      {l s='Free Home Slideshow module' mod='editorial'} 
      <a href="http://dgcraft.free.fr/blog/index.php/category/free-prestashop-modules/"> {l s='for Prestashop' mod='editorial'} </a> 

so you need to edit all slides links


2.Not sure if I understood right but try this.

Edit global.css code for main_center_column for example

#main_center_column {
   background: url("http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/8756/1920x1080w.jpg") repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
   float: left;
   margin-bottom: 1em;
   width: 100%;

so use your image, maybe center it, with no repeat and background color of your choosing

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I've got the same problem concerning the home slideshow original link and text, jus can't get rid of them...

I've changed all the urls and the text in the editorial.tpl files, but to no effect... is there another file which needs to be modified or anywhere in the back office ?



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