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Link shop domain to owned domain

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Hi Everyone,


This is my first post and a newbie to the whole web building stuff !!


I have built my shop, not very exciting but works ! tho I have one problem I need to link my shop url to my own bought domain. I have been in contact with my hosting manager and they want a fortune to do it! Here is what they said....Before we point your domain to a subdirectory, I wanted to make sure that we are doing what is needed for your site.

"As with many PHP applications, there are entries in the database and many things on your site that depend on the original URL that the application was installed on. For example, there are things on your site that have it coded to actually have /bp/ at the end of your domain no matter what. Using Domain Central we can point your domain to the /bp/ subdirectory, but it will cause whatever depends on the /bp/ in the URL to not load. To fix this issue, you will need to update the configuration of the site to only state http://www.bodypierced.co.uk/ is the main - you also will have to update the database configuration to not have any entries with the /bp/ directory after your domain."


Can anyone please explain this in laymans terms and surely it doesnt need to be this complicated.

I would appreciate any help and if neeeded could someone run through it with me step by step via msn or something.

Looking forward to a speedy response and thanks in advance for any help recieved.

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where is your store currently installed? Is it on your own home computer or hosting computer? What is current URL? If it is already on hosting server, there should no complicated changes. please give some more info so that someone could give you advice.


if you are looking for paid service, please post it to the "Paid service and Job offers" section, I think someone will contact you soon.

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Hi, I bought a hosting package which came with domain name feee. It had Prestashop as an addon for shopping carts and I found it easy to set up, well sort off !! I persume all domains are on hosting server my domain name is www.bodypierced.co.uk and my shop url is www.bodypierced.co.uk/bp. If you put my shop url in browser it shows fine so as you can see all I need is my domain to point to shop url. I hope thats the info required to help me. Please bear with me I am trying my best !!

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based on your information, I think you only need to change path







So here is the steps you need to follow.

1. backup all files of your store and database before do the moving


2. move all files and folder


From Physical path of http://www.bodypierced.co.uk/bp/'>http://www.bodypierced.co.uk/bp/

To Physical path of http://www.bodypierced.co.uk/


3. Change following configuration in file /config/settings.inc.php


I think only one line needs to be changed



define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/pb/');



define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/');


4. Because you are not using SEO friendly URL, so I think if you did everything as instructed above, you are all set.

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Thanks agin for the quick response shokinro, I can find how to Change following configuration in file /config/settings.inc.php but the back up and moving of files I am not sure excatly what to do, sorry, I did say I was a newbie !!


Any step by stepguide would be really appreciated


Many Thanks

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You need to learn how to use File Manager of your server control panel to backup files and moving files. You should be able to find the online help of your Control, panel File manager.


I don't think I can write tutorial for this for you, sorry!


For database backup, you can do it from back office - Tools - DB Backup

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Dont suppose you fancy doing it if I give you all my login details???

I think it is better that you learn to do it by yourself.

You will have to handle this kind of stuff from now on.


You can try to practice with some other folders and files, get used to it first.


If you are familiar with any FTP tools, you can also use it.

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If you really don't want to do it by yourself and you are in hurry, please PM me your following info, I will try to do it for you.


site admin URL

site admin log in info

FTP access info (I prefer FTP instead of File Manager)

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Just wanted to give an update of this thread.

I have worked onsite to help @Bertiboy moved site. After moving, I checked everything works fine.

The work itself took only 5 minutes. but it took sometime to communicate to get things knocked down before I can start the work.


I would like to know what is the status after that, send a few emails, no response, so I guess/assume everything should be working fine. I checked the site URL, it is working fine.

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Everything was fine I could not believe all the help I received, Kinro was fantastic !!


Only thing is it seems to have gone wrong again, prob my fault!! My site url does not show my shop anymore but just an old template I was mucking around with.


Any help please would be much appreciated

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