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Mark Combot

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I have been working on my site for 2 weeks now.

Just using the default template provided by prestashop.


Few things I want to fix, when you click on one of the CATEGORIES it takes you to Subcategories. I would like to make the text bigger and want to show images. I have no idea how to do this.


Please have a look at my site and let me know what you thank. I would like to get it running by the end of this week.


Thanks in advance.


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To bad you are using the default theme.


To add the images on the subcategories you will have to click on edit button of the subcategory. Here just under description you will find a browse button and under it this text "Upload category logo from your computer". All you have to do is to select the image from your computer and then to hit the save button.


Regarding your other request, you will have to open category.tpl (locatedin : yousite/themes/prestashop/). Here on line #73 you should find this:


<a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"></span>{$subcategory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a>


Replace this code with the one below:


<a style="font-size:14px;" href="{$link->getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"></span>{$subcategory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a>


This is the easiest way.


After you upload category.tpl on your server, don't forget to delete the cache files.


That's all.

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Thanks for getting back to me and the information.

I couldn't find a theme for a craft store so I stayed with this one.

Went to your site and none of yours match what i need but you do have good themes:)

I'm willing to change my theme if someone has a craft theme for under $50.00 US funds.





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I have been working on my site for 2 weeks now.

Just using the default template provided by prestashop.


Few things I want to fix, when you click on one of the CATEGORIES it takes you to Subcategories. I would like to make the text bigger and want to show images. I have no idea how to do this.


Please have a look at my site and let me know what you thank. I would like to get it running by the end of this week.


Thanks in advance.





I think that the light red at the top of uvery module dosent fit into the page.

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Against what some others have written, I actually like the default prestashop theme. With a few tweaks/additions (background/header) could be very good..and is better than most custom themes I've seen...


Though Mark, you've definitely managed to hurt my eyes... The contrast is way too jarring between the purple and grey and red....


The smiley faces... I don't know...maybe could work with the right colors..shrink them down a bit so you can actually see the smile is one idea too...


The text against the purple is very bad. (blue on bright purple??) .


Sorry man...just calling it like I see it... it doesn't look good IMO...

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