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matrice theme products and "Terms of service" showing problem

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i have no idea to solve the following problems. i hope someone can help me.


If you browse through this page, you will see there is a product with wrong showing, the « view » is different as the others? the price showing also.




second "terms of service" showing problem.


i created a test account for someone can help me to look what wrong with it.

ac: [email protected]

pw: azsxdc123



When you login the account you will see the saved products ready to check-out.Please click the check-out button,go to step4 which is shipping page.there is a check box for you to read the "Terms of service" (the problem i need to solve),,when you click the read button, you will see a light box show up but the problem is you cant see all the text from that. some words are missing from the left.i dont know how to slove.

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