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Mail Alerts not working

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Hi Everyone,


I have Prestashop installed on my website. My mail alerts module is not working properly. When I tick ''Product availability'' and a customer chooses to be notified, the website sends customers an email when an item goes OUT OF STOCK! (It does not send them a message when I put an item back in stock)


So it is working the wrong way around......


Any advice? It seems like loads of people have had this problem, but I cant find a solution on how I can fix it


Thank you



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Just tested in my shop - You scared me, because I never tested it.

For my shop it is working - it takes some time (up to 5 min) to send out notification. May by check your junk maile when testing!!

Sorry not to able to help - I am prestashop amateur.

prestashop - 1.4.

related topic in prestashop forum about male alerts, but not directly related to your topic.

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