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Google Shopping Changes 2011

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Google will require tag <g:availability>in stock</g:availability> starting from September 2011.

Why noone is talking about it? If we will not have this tag google will suspend our listings from Google Search. No of the existing Presta Modules has ability to add <g:availability> to the feed? Even the official from Presta Addons.


Any ideas what we should do.



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What do you currently use to create the google feed?

I'm using a free module I found on the internet but it's not very reliable know of any others? Or what do you use?


Export Google v1.3.4


It is very good. Just needs the <availability>In Stock<availability/> tag, according to Google starting from September. Cant believe no one is interested in this because starting from September,22 all listings without <availability/> tag will be suspended.

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Can you create the export file, and then just add the column for availability and put everything in stock? That's what I'd do... Not sure how you use Google products, but my feed never changes. I have it on my site and google grabs it.

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