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[Under review] New Forum Search Function



Is it just me or is the new search restrictions on these forum really annoying? It says you cannot search words with three letters or less - which is really annoying if searching phrases or things like "google plus one" you have to remove the "one" which means you end up with lots of results - many are not related at all. :angry:


Was there a specific reason for having this way?


PS - Liking the new forums. :)

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I personally find that it is absolutely horrible. I just did a search for "filter by color" and got "The following search terms are not allowed and were removed from your query: color". Also how in the heck are you suppose to search a forum about code and not be allowed "search keywords that are below 4 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, "


Come on Prestashop fix your search function

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Hi Carl,


now when i try to search any 3 char word it's ok. But now when i try to search for any 2 words - eg: import products :


One or all of your search keywords were below 2 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords.


PS: What happened to svn.prestashop.com/branches? Since yesterday i have no access to svn 1.5 (Forbidden / You don't have permission to access /branches on this server.)

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I keep on getting the following:


One or all of your search keywords were below 2 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords.


on search phrases like:


limit number featured products


and find that 90% of my searches give me this error. Is the Stop word list too strict as I'm certainly not using words <2 characters?

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Hi everybody,

Our forum software provider's newest update caused some issues to our theme here on the PrestaShop forums, so we have been making changes to adapt it back for our uses. We're working hard to fix it in order to provide you with the best forum experience possible, including a much improved search function. Before this update, we had actually eliminated the roadblock for search terms below three characters, so we do hear your concerns. I hope to have more information for you soon!



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It's so frustrating especially when you're looking for solution to a problem.


There's one work around that I use though. Go to your good friend google and type in "prestashop" plus whatever subject you need a help for.


For example, I typed in "prestashop export product" and I could reach some of those related forum threads at least.


Hope this helps!

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It's so frustrating especially when you're looking for solution to a problem.


There's one work around that I use though. Go to your good friend google and type in "prestashop" plus whatever subject you need a help for.


For example, I typed in "prestashop export product" and I could reach some of those related forum threads at least.


Hope this helps!


Yes is a work around that works and that's what I mostly do. Or You can type in search field of google








and then type whatever you trying to find

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The search is very, very annoying. It simple doesn't work. Searching for "meta error" returns me tonnes of topics which don't have anything to do with an meta error... The old forum search was very effective. I REALLY hope the prestashop team realizes that this search is no option.

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Search is not working for me at all. Any word/s bring up the error "One or all of your search keywords were below 2 characters..." I have a problem with my shop and have no alternative but to post a new thread, hoping to get a response.

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