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[RESOLU]supprimer div dans le blocklayered - bloc à facettes


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C'est bon, j'ai trouvé. Si ça peut aider quelqu'un, j'ai juste enlevé ces lignes du blocklayered. php :

lignes de 540 à 569


Comme ça, il n'y plus "stock, état, reconditionné etc..."





elseif ($filterBlock['type_lite'] == 'condition')


$filterBlock['name'] = $this->l('Condition');

$filterBlock['values'] = array(

'new' => array('name' => $this->l('New'), 'nbr' => 0),

'used' => array('name' => $this->l('Used'), 'nbr' => 0),

'refurbished' => array('name' => $this->l('Refurbished'), 'nbr' => 0));


$productCond = $this->filterProducts($products, $selectedFilters, 'condition');


foreach ($filterBlock['values'] AS $conditionKey => &$condition)


foreach ($productCond AS $product)

if ($product['condition'] == $conditionKey)


if (isset($selectedFilters['condition']) AND in_array($conditionKey, $selectedFilters['condition']))

$condition['checked'] = true;



elseif ($filterBlock['type_lite'] == 'quantity')


$filterBlock['name'] = $this->l('Availability');

$filterBlock['values'] = array(

'1' => array('name' => $this->l('In stock'), 'nbr' => 0),

'0' => array('name' => $this->l('Not available'), 'nbr' => 0));


$productQuant = $this->filterProducts($products, $selectedFilters, 'quantity');


foreach ($filterBlock['values'] AS $quantKey => &$quantity)

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