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Total price calculating

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Hello, I need a solution for price calculating.


I have prices with 6 decimals, I need them for calculating only. I have changed everywhere the decimals for 6, but still calculating with 2

I need to calculate total price of order with 6 decimals, but needed only 2 decimals for showing the price everywhere in FO.


example what I need:


in BO the price is 2.086404 with tax (1.738670 without tax)

in the FO is price 2,09 and it calculating 10x 2,09=20,90

but I need

calculating that way: 10x 2,086404 (from the BO price) = 20,86

I need 20,86 for the invoice, to the cart, so everywhere


any idea for my problem? please help me

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Hello, I need a solution for price calculating.


I have prices with 6 decimals, I need them for calculating only. I have changed everywhere the decimals for 6, but still calculating with 2

I need to calculate total price of order with 6 decimals, but needed only 2 decimals for showing the price everywhere in FO.


example what I need:


in BO the price is 2.086404 with tax (1.738670 without tax)

in the FO is price 2,09 and it calculating 10x 2,09=20,90

but I need

calculating that way: 10x 2,086404 (from the BO price) = 20,86

I need 20,86 for the invoice, to the cart, so everywhere


any idea for my problem? please help me




Have you tried the rounding feature from preferences, maybe classical rounding does this.But you need to check to be sure.I have some rounding problems myself.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have same issue. Need to calculate all prices without rounding and round only the final price per product.


For example:


Product price before TAX



Product price after TAX (8,5%)



What PS does is something like this:

0,7378 rounding 0,74 x 24 = 17,76


I need it like this

0,7378 x 24 = 17,7072 and with rounding = 17,71


See the difference?


What I tried so far:

  • Disabled TAX view for group and changed code so it would still show prices with TAX. It worked, but failed when I aplied discount on products.
  • I reverted it all back and changed in cart.php line
    if ($this->_taxCalculationMethod == PS_TAX_EXC)


    if ($this->_taxCalculationMethod == PS_TAX_INC)

    It still showed wrong price per product while everthing else worked OK.

  • I played around with price.js but I figured that it dosent do anything when displaying price in frontend.


Is there anyone who had trouble with this issue and solved it?

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