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Linking color to picture on product's page

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Hi. Here's the situation: Supoose I have a t-shirt that comes in black, white, blue and green. It also comes in 5 different sizes, so there are 20 possible combinations between sizes and colors. How do I get PrestaShop to show a different picture when a client select a different color, but in an easy and fast way?

I know I can set the picture according to the "combinations list" that is created, but then I'd have to that 20 times!! As the pictures don't vary according to the size, what I want to do is to associate all the "black t-shirts" with the black t-shirt picture, all the "white t-shirts" with the white t-shirts picture and so on regardless of their sizes. This way, instead of repeating the processes 20 times, I'd only had to do it 4 times.

It realy would save a lot time and uncessary clicking, making product creation a lot faster. Anyone knows how to do it?

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