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Get $order variable into Smarty php-tag

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I'm having trouble with getting $order working inside {php}-tags in template files.

What I'm trying to acchive:

{if isset($followup)}

{$order->shipping_number} //prints the trackingnumber without a problem.


$pactrack = simplexml_load_file('http://privpakportal.schenker.nu/TrackAndTrace/packagexml.aspx?packageid='.$order->shipping_number);


How do i get the $order-varibale working inside the {php}-tag?

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are you getting some sort of error?


i think usage of {php} in smarty is not a recommended practice and they disable it by default, so you may need to figure out how to enable it.


the alternative is to update the controller code to set the value of the $pactrack variable, and then place it into the smarty session.

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are you getting some sort of error?


i think usage of {php} in smarty is not a recommended practice and they disable it by default, so you may need to figure out how to enable it.


the alternative is to update the controller code to set the value of the $pactrack variable, and then place it into the smarty session.


The variable is ignored inside the smarty PHP-tag. I guess it's not optimal, so you're probably right.


I'll do that, thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cant seam to get this to work, this is what I've done done to OrderDetailController.php


if ($order->shipping_number)

$pactrack = simplexml_load_file('http://privpakportal.schenker.nu/TrackAndTrace/packagexml.aspx?packageid='.$order->shipping_number);

$pickup = $pactrack->xpath('//parcel');
$event = $pactrack->xpath('//event');

			self::$smarty->assign('track', $pickup->ppc_name, $event->description);


And to order-detail.tpl I went berserk and tried all of these tags but none of them works.


{if isset($followup)}
<p class="bold">{l s='Click the following link to track the delivery of your order'}</p>
<a href="{$followup|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$followup|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a>


{if isset($track)}


Does anyone see something obvious I've done wrong or have any ideas of how to make it work?

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