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Feel Like Giving Up After 2 Months


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Hi. I have been doing everything I can to make my website convert, only 2 people have signed up one bought something and the other person signed up then left the shop. What I am doing wrong? I'm I missing something? I have been creating backlinks to my shop with anchor text but it just isn't doing much. Any advice would be nice as I am at the point where I feel like giving up.

So many hours each day working the website has just made me tired of it.


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The main problem that you getting is the fact that when people are searching up for a game in a search engine you are competing against, the bigger store's one of the ways that you could try and change this is updating your meta tags with more information so that the position of your site starts to move up in the search engine's, i hope this helps

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Hi Nick,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble getting things going. Maybe a google adwords campaign could help get things started or even a facebook ad. Trying going social with it, make a facebook fan page and a twitter account. Also if you are into gaming maybe try and review new games and upload your reviews on youtube and create your own channel and also your own gaming blog. You need to try and do something to get you noticed and make you stand out.

Best regards,


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