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Adding new fields in Create Account! Help

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I need to create others fields in "Create Account"


How do i do that? i need to add after Adress1 a new field called NUMBER ( House's number), and one before Home Phone ( little field to add a place number like (43)-5554-3350).


se pics For better understanding.


Where to change:



How it should be:



Thx for you all!

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Hi Firedog,


Although it may seem like a minor change, it's actually rather complicated because it involves creating new database fields. If you have the programming skills, this can be done, of course, but when you update PrestaShop software to the next version, it will create problems, for example.


Around the time of the release of PrestaShop v1.0, a new Developer's Guide will be made available which should make such modifications easier to understand and to carry out.

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