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[Solved] Can I clear the cachefs folder? It has grown to 7 gig and rising all the time!

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I just checked the file sizes on my server and the cache/cachefs directory on my server has grown to just over 7 gig in size. I am very close to my server file size limit and need to clear some files to make room.

Is there a safe way to clear the folder without damaging my store? Is a module available to do it or can I just delete the contents?

Thank you.

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Update: All fixed. Got my hosting company to delete the contents of the cachefs folder then followed these instructions I found on another thread:

I had to then regenerate my .htaccess file and then turn off both caches and then check force compile under preferences/performance and that is what got it back up. After that I just rechecked the no to foce compile and yes to caches (both) and all was good.

Many thanks for your help.

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