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Product ID shown multiple times

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I have a problem where the same product is replicated a number of times in the same category. In most cases it's 5. So if I delete 4 of the products with the same ID in the BO, I end up deleting all of the 5 products. Does anyone know whi it's duplicating the products like this?
I've attached a print screen of my BO
Thanks in advance


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hi jessie and other friends

i had a problem just like yours in 1.5 upgrade and when i imported .csv files.

i tried to write a script to import product directly from my own mysql db to presta db, but the problem appeared so.

then i searched and searched and searched and not found any reason to this issue

but finally i found a solution which at least worked for me.


************ solution ************

table: ps_image & ps_image_shop

field: cover

this field should be (1) for first image of unique product and (0) for other images of that unique product.

if you set this field to (1) for all images of one product prestashop will be confused and the list of products will be overwritten by multiple cover image products.

pay attention that repetitions are equal to number of images.


************ solution ************


thanks in advance to all new ideas...

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