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Hi Im new to Prestashop. Im trying to install it..

I can see that you have to turn GD on, but I cant find the php.ini file :( Can annyone pls describe step by step where to find it, as I never used it before... And does annyone know what happens if you dont turn it on????

This is what I found on this site. "the root directory of my php folder" where is that??? :-|

Turn on GD Library functionality. On a default installation of PHP, the GD Library is turned off. The standard Windows instructions are:
In the root directory of your PHP folder, open the php.ini file.
Uncomment the line extension=php_gd2.dll (about half-way through the file, in the middle of a long list of extensions) by deleting the ;
Restart the services.

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php folder is in C:php or c:php5 or c:php4 inside that folder you can find php.ini or php-cgi-fcgi.ini ... open that file and find ;extension=php_gd2.dll then remove the ; in front of the line and be sure its like that

extension=php_gd2.dll <<<<==== this is that line

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Sorry but I cant still understand what to do :( :( I only have one folder on the server.... and that folder is empty.... so I cant understand where this file can be located

Are you installing PS on your desk PC or on a remote server?

If on remote server, are you using a shared hosting plan or a dedicated server?

Otherwise, grab our free hosting and do a try: http://forums.prestahub.in/viewforum.php?f=2

I will be please to assist you on this...
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