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Order Complete - Stock level remains unchanged/PDF files incorrect

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Did a test purchase on site (www.game-supply.co.uk) through paypal module. Once I'd completed order, stock were levels remained unchanged, and stock product name was not displayed in pdf files (although the price and total were displayed).

Is this a known problem, how is it fixed?


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I had it a couple of times now, with one customer. So far as i know there is not a fix. I have a workaround if you are feeling okay to go into the database.
On the paypal slip you can see what they ordered. Now you make an order with those products yourself.
Go into the database:
in PREFIX_order_detail, you search on id_order the number of your order and change that to the ordernumber of the empty one of your client.
Now the order you made is empty, like the customer had, and the product is listed in your customers invoice :)

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I also have a question about payment processors:

I'm looking for one like Protx VSP Direct, which handles the credit card details and payments but allows users to stay on the host site throughout the entire order process.

Keeping the user on the host site (not redirecting them to third-party page) is critical to me.

Do you have any recommendations? I have looked around this site and the forum but it's not clear to me what the current state of processor payment support is with prestashop.

I have also emailed Prestashop team directly about this and awaiting their reply.

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I also have a question about payment processors:

I'm looking for one like Protx VSP Direct, which handles the credit card details and payments but allows users to stay on the host site throughout the entire order process.

Keeping the user on the host site (not redirecting them to third-party page) is critical to me.

Do you have any recommendations? I have looked around this site and the forum but it's not clear to me what the current state of processor payment support is with prestashop.

I have also emailed Prestashop team directly about this and awaiting their reply.

Where are you situated? I know MutlSafePay is coming with this future. Although they are in the NL.
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If it is relying on getting the Paypal IPN response that may have been an internet timeout. Mind you if happens regularly then something is broken. Even Protx failed to complete one of my transactions as unpaid despite it having been settled through their link to Paypal Express because they didn't get the IPN response. Admittedly that was only on one occasion in six months.

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elachys suggested, If your client is looking for customers to stay on site; I would suggest trying VSP Server instead of VSP Direct.

VSP Server does not require all the security measures VSP Direct does.

From what he can can tell it also stays on site, however… I have yet to use this method.

(Elachys has written a Protx VSP forms solution )

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elachys suggested, If your client is looking for customers to stay on site; I would suggest trying VSP Server instead of VSP Direct.

VSP Server does not require all the security measures VSP Direct does.

From what he can can tell it also stays on site, however… I have yet to use this method.

(Elachys has written a Protx VSP forms solution )

VSP Server sends users to a Protx secure payment page during the transaction process.

See here: http://www.lloydstsbcard.net/products/vsp_server.asp
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I have started the vsp direct module. It should be ready by the end of Feb.

Due to the lack of hooks for administering payments it is proving annoying to add.

Just wondering how much people would still use their protx administration panel. As hooking into presta's refund system is impossible. :(

Also, as i can't find anyone who is willing to pay for me to get an SSL certificate (needed to test in live mode) developement might be a little hit and miss...

You can use XSLT's to modify almost every feature of VSP Form. Then submit them to protx (answering the person above).

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Arrrr... same problem here: no products shown when someone pays via PayPal. It's interesting the database doesn't show the ordered articles in the table PREFIX_order_detail. I modified ONLY THIS TABLE (!) and inserted a new entry:

id_order_detail: next free number
id_order: the order id (you find this one under "Orders" in the admin area)
product_id: search for the product in the backoffice and you find this id
product_name: the product name...
product_quantity: no explanation needed
product_price: no explanation needed
product_weight: no explanation needed

I didn't fill the rest of the empty fields - pressed the "OK"-button in phpMyAdmin and what a surprise: the product is shown in the invoice/"Orders"-tab! Did someone forgot to add the SQL "INSERT"-Statement ;-) Please, can't be a big problem - but it's a lots of work to add every product "by hand" to the ps_order_detail-table...

Thx for a fast solution!

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Seems it's a problem with the "Mail alerts" module: I didn't recognize that the first test-order was OK! At this time, the module "Mail alerts v1.1" was not installed (did this after the first order...). My customer (who run the shop) told me now he hasn't received any notification mail yet, but there were 4 orders the last days... A look in the /modules/mailalerts/mails/ folder opened my eyes: the directory doesn't have a subdirectory "de" (for German mails). I did a test order and choosed "bankwire payment" as payment methode. The last step is to confirm the order - and after this, an error occured. It said that the file /modules/mailalerts/mails/de/new_order.html is missing. I copied the files from the "en"-folder to the "de" directory (this one doesn't exist - you have to create it!), translated the text and did a test order in my development environment - and I got the mail and all ordered products are shown in the "Orders"-area and on the PDF invoice.
In my development environment I only tested the bankwire payment methode and without the "Mail alerts"-module, so I assumed the PayPal-payment module has a bug...
Can someone approve my diagnosis, please?

thx and good night!

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Seems it's a problem with the "Mail alerts" module: I didn't recognize that the first test-order was OK! At this time, the module "Mail alerts v1.1" was not installed (did this after the first order...). My customer (who run the shop) told me now he hasn't received any notification mail yet, but there were 4 orders the last days... A look in the /modules/mailalerts/mails/ folder opened my eyes: the directory doesn't have a subdirectory "de" (for German mails). I did a test order and choosed "bankwire payment" as payment methode. The last step is to confirm the order - and after this, an error occured. It said that the file /modules/mailalerts/mails/de/new_order.html is missing. I copied the files from the "en"-folder to the "de" directory (this one doesn't exist - you have to create it!), translated the text and did a test order in my development environment - and I got the mail and all ordered products are shown in the "Orders"-area and on the PDF invoice.
In my development environment I only tested the bankwire payment methode and without the "Mail alerts"-module, so I assumed the PayPal-payment module has a bug...
Can someone approve my diagnosis, please?

thx and good night!

yes I can confirm this, if the mailalerts templates are missing no order will get products loaded, this is not paypal module but a bug or strange behaviour in the core as it affects all payment modules. sometimes there seems to be calculation errors showing up randomly also causing the orders to miss their products, but so far it seems totaly random. (the calc error seems only to affect 1.0)
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  • 9 months later...

Hi folks,

In an effort to fix the ongoing PayPal cart problems, I've installed Mail Alerts 2.2, but get a Server 500 error [corrected] when I try to visit the Mail Alerts from the 'My Account' area of my store. The file is there, present and correct.

I'm having the same problem as others - payments for orders go through PayPal perfectly (I'm using the PayPal 1.6 module with a Website Payments Standard PayPal account), but when the customer returns to the website their cart is still full, and no order is registered in their account area. No emails are sent to the customer from the store and no orders show up in Admin.

Using Prestashop 1.2.4.

I'm continuing to scour the forums for solutions, but I have to say I'm getting a bit sick and tired of it.


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  • 1 month later...

I had this issue and everything I tried just didnt seem tow work, I did extensive testing and found that paypal page wasnt even reaching the valdiation.php, but when I manually went in and did test IPN, it worked. My solutions was to add :8888 after the domain, e.g. you.com:8888/etc/etc. Theres still a slight delay but it seems to work now

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Hi folks,

In an effort to fix the ongoing PayPal cart problems, I've installed Mail Alerts 2.2, but get a Server 500 error [corrected] when I try to visit the Mail Alerts from the 'My Account' area of my store. The file is there, present and correct.

I'm having the same problem as others - payments for orders go through PayPal perfectly (I'm using the PayPal 1.6 module with a Website Payments Standard PayPal account), but when the customer returns to the website their cart is still full, and no order is registered in their account area. No emails are sent to the customer from the store and no orders show up in Admin.

Using Prestashop 1.2.4.

I'm continuing to scour the forums for solutions, but I have to say I'm getting a bit sick and tired of it.


Error 500 usually means the the permission to the file or directory are incorrect.

Many Hosting companies only allow a 755 file permissions.

Check that the folder and files inside are the same os other modules you have.
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