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Opinions? General design/colors etc


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My site: http:mohsart.se

I have recently started to modify the standard theme.
I really like the sober standard theme but two things were a bit irritating:
* All the boxes; I don't see why all modules (My Cart, Categories etc) should be "boxed".
* The gray! For sure, there must be nicer colors...

Then, I liked to add something to give the feeling of material.
My main items are a game called Go, much like Chess in the respect that it consists of a wooden board and black and white playing pieces.

I also removed some redundant links, where clicking on the header gives the same result, eg "All News".

Some questions:
* As you can see, I swithed the +/- in the Category view to the black/white Go pieces; is this OK? Should I put a playing piece next to Categories without Sub Categories as well?
* The colors: I'm not sure about using red and green (although the green Order Button goes quite well together with the bamboo at the Product Page.) Would it be better to stick to black/white/wood?
* I changed the product list hover-color from gray to a yellowish one but I'm not all satisfied, any ideas of a better color?

General ideas/propositions are also welcome!


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