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Worst Customer Care Ever...

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I was a loyal Prestashop customer the last 3 years...I have bought 4 templates so far....the last template that I bought it was a month ago...unfortunatelly this template was develop from an independent unreliable developer.
I had the impression that the developer can be evaluate from prestashop before they start cooperate with them...but NO...They can cooperate with anybody.
I took me almost a week to have a contact with their customer care department...They do not speak English...and so far they haven´t offer me a sollution (Ι have ask for a refund or to replace my template with another one) nothing outrageous...
The developer hasn´t done anything to fix the problem and Prestashop prefers to loose a loyal customer insteed of offer him a solution.
If you want to stay out of trouble,stay away from Prestashop...I´m very dissapointed from their behaviour and from their services in general...
I was planning to buy 3 extra templates but because of this I will search for a reliable company that respects their customers...

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Thanks for the tip !!!
I'm not going to buy a template from Prestashop ever again...
They are not professionals and they don't respect their customers.
I'm also going to create a group on FB to inform the people about "customer care" prestashop...

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Hello Razaro,
This is the template I bought http://addons.prestashop.com/fr/beaute-bijoux/1986-san-valentin.html
My admin has contact many times with the developer(he said he will fix it...it's been 2 weeks and we are still waiting) but without any resolt...it's been more than 2 weeks.
I've sent 3 mails to Prastashop and I called twice to get some kind of responce the "we are not responcible about the template" attitude is unacceptable...I bought this from Prestashop and not from a public market...
I'm a customer and I'm waiting for results and actions and not for excuses.
The price for the template costs 40 $...Is not the amount that makes me mad but the service and the answers that I get...
I have offer to Prestashop two possible solutions.
The first solution is to refund me back.
The 2nd solution is to replace the template with another template and to have 40 $ discount.
I'm not asking for something extrodinary.
I have no feedback so far.
Probably they need to make a meeting and spend valuable hours to make a decision...
Now you tell me...if you were at my place what would you do...?

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Well about refund you could try your luck with
Damien Metzger , PrestaShop Addons Manager, PM or email him, but check this post(topic).

So you could wait for answer a bit.

And while you wait could you post link to your website with that theme
and problems you and your admin have, maybe people on forum could
solve them quicker.

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Thank you Razaro !!!
The website that has the problem is www.melenios.com the problem is that we had to remove the background is case to see the Categories or else it wasn't possible.
My admin contacted with the developer who said that he will take a look but it's been a week with no answer and no answers to our e-mails.
Thanks for the advises !!!

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Hello everyone,

I'm worried about this situation, this should never happen.
I apologize on behalf of our entire team, seriously.

At PrestaShop, the satisfaction of our users and our community is our number one priority.

Many can testify that myself, I attach great importance to this point and I try to help as much as possible those in need.

With the opening of our U.S. subsidiary, we will offer a top quality customer support in English and Spanish!
You will also be able to call us at toll free number that we will communicate as soon as possible.

PrestaShop, it is primarily men and women (75 employees at this time), a motivated team to achieve the best e-commerce software for open-source community :)

I will take care of your problem personally tomorrow morning, thank you for your understanding.

Good night,

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Hello Bruno,

At last somebody can take action !!!
Sounds really possitive !!!
I hope you 'll manage to help me today !!!

Kind Regards


PS: Since last night I'm trying to send an e-mail to Damien Metzger but his mailbox is full....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everybody,

I would like to thank Razzaro for his time and Bruno Levenque for his quick actions (He informed Matt)!!

But also a HUGE thank you to Matt Serralta !!!

Without Matt actions I still would be in the same spot...

I hope everybody in Prestashop will start acting like Matt.

Matt is a professional with all the meaning of the word !!!

He was always in contact with me and he personally take good care of my problem !!!

For my behalf problem is solved !!!

My advise to the rest of Prestashop crue is to start acting like Matt !!!

This is the way to make bussiness and keep customers happy !!!

For once again Thank you Matt !!!

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