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Weird discovery with download and physical in the same product - can anyone else confirm this test.

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Here is something weird that could be a bug in Prestashop that I found last night. If you go to my test product and add a download AND than add a physical of the same item (I only have one product to test anyway), it adds shipping to the cart. It will NOT add shipping if I add a quantity of 2 of the CD OR 2 of the downloads. Only when I add one of each. If I do add a third of either one, that shipping stays put. If I start deleting the items or quantity so that I have one left, the shipping also stays put. This product is currently set to a downloadable product!
Weird eh?
I tried to test this with using weight as an option in the CD attribute (1 pound) and zero for the others. It didn't make a difference.
Only when I went to the Shipping tab and change the option from based on Price to based on Weight (and enabled it) did the cart shipping bug NOT WORK. Weird again eh? I put everything back in Shipping so it's based on Price (.01 to $1000) and the bug happened again.

I have been trying to get PrestaShop to work with download and physical in the same product, but that is not possible in the current 1.4.3 version. This is how I set up the product yesterday and the bug I discovered. Can anyone else confirm this by trying my link?


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