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How to make friendly Chinese URLs under 1.4.3 ?

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How to add my own rewriting to .htaccess ? I’d like http://www.紅茶.hk/product.php?id_product=61
to become: http://www.紅茶.hk/混合/蘭紅茶

I have not tried out, but I think it is possible that you add new rewrite rules.

Prestashop URL rewriting only accepts the few ASCII characters ( and by the way the rewriting in 1.4.3 is buggy. Links not going to products don’t work.

I think, the URL rewrite engine does not belong PrestaShop, it is depend your server.
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Whatever I do my URLs don't change.


Strange thing is that even when I delete all text in htaccess, and deactivate Friendly URL's, I still get PS standard rewriting !


Can anybody please explain how to rewrite www.mysite.com/product.php?id_product=37 to www.mysite.com/紅茶 or www.mysite.com/tw/37-紅茶 (tw stands for traditional chinese).


Or shine some light on how PS manages URL ? There's no info about this online.


I don't mind to make individual rules for each of my 80 products.



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