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Processing orders / changing quantities / refunding

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We have a charity shop where we actually do not sell products but operate on donation basis. And so it happens that some people want a bigger quantity of a product than we are able to ship. I am looking for a way to change the quantity for an order in BA before it gets shipped so that the customer knows we are shipping fewer items than originally requested.

I tried playing with the refund feature which seems suited for this purpose but the problem is that although refund has been made, the invoice still shows the original number of items. Interestingly enough, delivery slip shows the updated figures (if the original order was for 25 items and I refunded 10, the delivery slip shows 15, while the invoice still shows 25). Unfortunately, customers cannot delivery slips but invoices so I have no automatic way of letting them know about reduced quantity in their order.

Is there any way to solve this other than switching off invoices, manually generating delivery slips and composing an email with the delivery slip as an attachment and explanation in the body of the email?

Many thanks for any idea on this!

Using prestashop 1.4.3.

Warm regards,

Zbigniew Szalbot

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