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Not worth to try to upgrade.

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Today was the second time I tried to upgrade to new version of PS.
My version Version - 0.810s have been very stable whit not many problems.
the modules I am using is working fine, but like all other I will like take advantage of new changes.
Last attempt was the stable first version of 1.4, in its failed miserable.
The payment options I have exposed are Bank Transfer and Paypal.
Have 4 different payment options:Payson;Paypal, Bank transfer and Invoice.

Paypal and bank transfer are in the “Payments and Gateways” while invoice and Payson is located under “Other Modules”.
First I located how to move to Payments and Gateways, FINE.
That did nor work. Look true the forum and found a lot of people whit same problems, modules that was not working lots of problems, slow shops and so on. So I got back to my old that I know was stable.
Today I did another try whit exact same results, payment modules not working not possible to move.
I want to decide which payment modules I should use. Not Prestashop. Why make things so complicated?
I can not add and use different modules that are designed for Prestashop but not created by Prestashop.
And the modules that are not working is free modules!! Do I have to buy them from PS to get them to work??
I guess I will stay whit Version until hell freezes over, or move my shop to another e-commerce!


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