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Change how Digital Products Work

Amish Gramish

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Okay, since PrestaShop is showing no interest in doing this, as they have barely made any changes to their digital distribution set-up, is anyone interested in doing, or able to do, these:

1. Changing PrestaShop so one item can have multiple download files per item. (PrestaShop already implemented something like this, but when you purchase the full product, it only lets you download one file, instead of linking to all of the files included in the pack.)
2. Link multiple products to the same file. (Such as selling a FLAC CD download and also giving MP3 copies of all the music as well. For a 10 song CD, there would be 21 links; two for each song, one per file type, and one for album art.)
3. Make it so the download links have names listed instead of numbers, so people know which links are to download which files.
4. Add the ability to place a Flash preview of the music right next to the name.

Pretty much I'd like to combine the good portions of Magento Commerce's digital products with the good portions of PrestaShop's digital products without having to pay the $3,000 or $10,000 per year just to use Magento Commerce.

If anyone else is interested in getting these features implemented, please post here and send me a PM, as we might be able to pool our resources to be able to pay for someone to make these implementations.

Also, if anyone is interested in doing this, or if you don't think this is possible, please leave a response. (You can also PM me with more info.)

Thanks in advance!

I just saw that the product names are listed on the download link for each product in the "Order."

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Couldn't you just package all the files in a zip file? And have the customer download just the zip file?

I would then need to have two copies of every file on my website, further increasing costs of operating the website, and doubling the amount of time spent transferring the files.

MP3 CD: 80MB
MP3 CD Singles: 80MB
FLAC CD Singles: 400MB
Total space used: 960MB (compared to just 480MB)

When you end up having thousands of downloadable CDs on a website, the cost of all the extra equipment and transferring time costs a lot of money.
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sorry, i didn't follow why having a single zipfile of the mp3, flac and artwork would double your storage? why store the single mp3 and flac files?

He is offering individual tracks as a separate product.

Correct! And because the dollar sales of single tracks is more than the dollar sales of digital albums.
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  On 8/13/2011 at 7:22 PM, rassy said:

Hi Amis,


i am searching for exactly the same features. Have there been any good news on how to implement those features?


By the way: Is the free magento community edition able to do this?


Kind regards



The person I have been talking to hasn't responded for a while.

I'll contact tomerg3 about getting a module or something else made.

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