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Music Downloads

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Hey Guys,

After spending countless hours researching and testing out other shop scripts I have to say that Prestashop is fantastic! I love it! It really is ahead of the pack and is the future of open source cart scripts.

Anyway, I want to be able to create a music download store where customers are able to preview tracks on the site (triggered from a listen button next to the buy button and plays in a flash player that is embedded on the site), add them to their cart, and then download them after purchase. Is this possible? If so where should I begin?

Here are some example sites: http://www.beatport.com http://www.audiojelly.com/

I did some searching on this forum and could not really find any answers...

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


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  • 1 month later...

Just to tell that we want the same and are willing to pay something to get it realized...

Some thoughts:

This could be realized by an extension of the attribute system, that means that an album-attribute has e.g. twenty “Track"-Attributes each with a different price (this is normal system), but the only thing to add is that it is not only the price which is changing but there has to be a switch “[X] downloadable attribute” which would give the possibility to give the same infos (filename, expires...) as of for a normal download-product. Then just another product template, support for this on the order-page and we are done…

Not to forget that this is valuable e.g. for a ebook-shop who wants to sell the complete books + and indivdual chapters or for a video site and so on…

We would also pay something for this kind of addition (makes sense to introduce it in the trunk and not to make his own “hack").

So if interested please contact me!


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  • 1 month later...

I'm considering using Presta Shop for my downloadable sheet music store where having sound samples is very desirable. I'm suprised that this hasn't been added with the way this script is put together for easy handling of downloadable products. I would be willing to pay for this "extra."

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

yes, it sounds simple. But the short description box or description box strips the code from any flash code 8-/ . If you can elaborate and give the music store sellers an insight, it would be much appreciated. Some of us would like to use a flash music player to give a 30 second preview before purchase with each product. There has to be a code hack to get this done.

Thank you, I'll await your answer.

Thanks :)

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I also saw in the french board about the dewplayer..

I tried to use it thru the "short description" box and it just didn't pass thru... Man, would I be so happy if a grateful soul can help out on this.. I wonder what is causing the code to strip and not play effectively? is it the text editor in the BO? I would like to see a step by step procedure on how I can hack into the code and get this done. Obviously a full fledged module is better that is compatible with V.1.2. but I can settle for a hack.

I have seen questions on this topic dating from last year without any concrete answer. I sell vinyl records a simple non-descript flash player is very essential to my business. just the functions play/stop. The site is almost done and this is the only thing that's holding it back from being a full fledged site.

If an answer can be had. it will not only help me but also the multiple store owners asking for a work around to this solution.

Take care,

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ok i dont really have a need for this functionality right now but ill help you out a bit, i had 5 mins and poked around the code a bit.

in the product.php file from the root presta from my development environment $_GET['id_product'] will display the product number for the product screen you are in.

when you upload an attachment it is stored in the download folder as an encrypted string (without file extension)

the download information sits in the ps_product_download in the database, it contains the encrypted string the product id and the proper file name (with file extension).

thats everything you need right there for a nice nasty work around :)

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well... you are talking about something totally different. I have no intention of uploading an attachment(mp3 file). All I want to do is find a way to to use a flash player for every product to sample the music before purchasing.

Furthermore, the steps you are presenting seems complicated(i'm not a programmer) , so therefore i have no idea what you are saying.

In the end, this is totally not the idea I had in mind and what the original person who posted about this topic was talking about. We are talking about just a flash player that can be coded into every product either : 1) a module(best option) or 2) hacked into the back office at the point of data entry via a. short description box. b. description box or c. features(data sheet).

The mp3 player by joel guajard thru the prestashop is not compatible with V 1.2, which what i got. I hope this reply is clear. I hope to find someone who can develop a good one or at least a hack.

any other thoughts or someone can help me on this??


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I spoke to one of the members on the forum and this is how it goes...

The original answer was edited for clarity... but this is how you enter a music audio player(1 song) into prestashop.

I created a url for the file at: myshop/yourprestashopfolder/audio/music.mp3

I used the TinyMCE editor to embed the media, it worked perfectly. I clicked on the "Insert / edit embedded media" button (film icon), enter URL of the mp3 file, then I selected the Quicktime type, entered the dimensions of the player (I used 100 x 20). I then went to the Advanced tab and unchecked "Auto start" and "Show menu", then clicked Insert. You should simply be able to upload all your media to a directory and link to it within each product description. In my case I entered into the short description panel for aesthetic reasons.

I hope that answers how you do a player prestashop. So forget about the flash player and use either quicktime or windows media embedded file instead. I prefer quicktime because it's more universal.

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  • 1 month later...

I spoke to one of the members on the forum and this is how it goes...

The original answer was edited for clarity... but this is how you enter a music audio player(1 song) into prestashop.

I created a url for the file at: myshop/yourprestashopfolder/audio/music.mp3

I used the TinyMCE editor to embed the media, it worked perfectly. I clicked on the "Insert / edit embedded media" button (film icon), enter URL of the mp3 file, then I selected the Quicktime type, entered the dimensions of the player (I used 100 x 20). I then went to the Advanced tab and unchecked "Auto start" and "Show menu", then clicked Insert. You should simply be able to upload all your media to a directory and link to it within each product description. In my case I entered into the short description panel for aesthetic reasons.

I hope that answers how you do a player prestashop. So forget about the flash player and use either quicktime or windows media embedded file instead. I prefer quicktime because it's more universal.


I am glad you foud a solution for this. can you please send me a link to view the end result? Thank you!
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  • 1 month later...


I came across this forum and it helped me embed audio into the description, but it appears that it still strips it out of the short description. Is there any way to get a quicktime audio clip to show up in the short description?

I'm working on creating a royalty-free music site and it seems like it would be more convenient if visitors could preview the songs without actually having to go to the songs page.


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Hi Aquamarine - I like what you have done - sounds like a freat work around - I have a similar challenge but am unable to find the same TinyMCE functions.... I know it is supposed to be a part of PS BO - but can I find it??? nope....
Is this an add-on? and how did you install it??

Sorry to be so dumb but a PS newbie.... Thanks

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When you're entering the descriptions it's the button that looks like a piece of film strip. I'm a PS newb myself, but it should be there in the standard install.

I'd still like to know if anyone has any idea how to have a sound clip show up in the short description, thanks!

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You can't see it? I have the same version 1.2.4. It's that tiny icon right under the "tree" , the film strip. Click on that and then you will see the options to select the media you want. Prestashop rejects flash for some reason, so you have to choose either quicktime or Windows Media. I have quite a few clips to upload, so once I do one, I just copy the HTML to a text editor. I Copy and paste the Media code to the rest of the products i need to populate and I change the paths. If you have more than 1 product to adjust I would suggest using "Snaplinks" https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4336 to select the "edit" of each product in your back office. I can launch more than 100 tabs at once and edit every product that way. I don't know what to tell you, but that film icon was there since I first joined prestashop with 1.1. It should be there with every product in your back office when you edit.

Good luck

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Thanks for getting back to me so quickly..... looks like I have some missing functionality and no way of sorting it as far as I can see...:-(

This is the BO image I have when adding/editing product details, so maybe TinyMCE is not running as it should....

Thanks for your help anyway - and good luck with the rest of your site - looking good!!


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aaaahhhh i see your problem. It's not loading properly. When I initially go to edit my products, it does this temporarily before all of it shows after a few more seconds. Yours seem stay like even after the fact. I think all you have to do is just copy over that "/public_html/fougy.com/home/js/tinymce"
from your previously downloaded copy. It could be that not all the code has been loaded properly. Try copying it over again and see again.

Good Luck,

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  • 2 weeks later...
The mp3 player by joel guajard thru the prestashop is not compatible with V 1.2, which what i got. I hope this reply is clear. I hope to find someone who can develop a good one or at least a hack.

Hello everyone and specially aquamarine,

I read about your post about my module. I made an update recently and now my module is compatible with PrestaShop 1.2.5 and older version. I add a new functionality : display mp3 player in products list (category, search, module in column, etc)

Joel Gaujard
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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...
yes, it sounds simple. But the short description box or description box strips the code from any flash code 8-/ . If you can elaborate and give the music store sellers an insight, it would be much appreciated. Some of us would like to use a flash music player to give a 30 second preview before purchase with each product. There has to be a code hack to get this done.

Thank you, I'll await your answer.

Thanks :)

I've been searching for a solution to this and have eventually discovered the answer in another post.


You only need to remove the second instance of strip_tags, not both of them as I did first off. There's a full example of the code to change.

Hopefully this will help someone searching for the solution in the future!
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A further note to this - I realised (at the point of brain failure!) that the product description is generated as a link to the product page. The link needs to be removed or every time you click the player it will go to the next page.

So basically in the product-list.tpl file in the themes folder, this bit of code on line 9:


needs to become this:


Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of that big white box that comes with the product image, other than using CSS to vanish it altogether I can't seem to affect it!

Hope that helps someone.

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  • 1 month later...

I had similar problem - my client wanted to see flash mp3 player in the product description. After some researching I think I have found quite easy solution. Only setback is that mp3 files must be upload to server via ftp.

1. Download Standalone version of the WordPress Audio Player - http://wpaudioplayer.com/standalone

2. Make folder called "music"(or whatever you like) in the root of your server. Inside that folder make folder called "player".

3. Upload audio-player.js and player.swf from .zip file to folder "player".

4. In your "Theme" folder open header.tpl. Add just before {$HOOK_HEADER}(change yoursite.com to your webpage's address):

       AudioPlayer.setup("http://yoursite.com/music/player/player.swf", {  
       width: 290  

5. Now, upload some mp3 via ftp to folder music.

6. In product's description press icon HTML in TinyMCE editor and add(change yoursite.com to your webpage's address):

Alternative content  
AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_1", {soundFile: "http://yoursite.com/music/mp3_file.mp3"});  

That's basically it. More info on the setup of the flash player and other details in http://wpaudioplayer.com/standalone

P.S. If you wish to add player in products list (short description), you should figure out the solution yourself (previous post will be helpful), because I did not need it.

P.P.S. I'm not author of the WordPress Audio Player, I just used it on one of my projects.

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