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Attributes and Groups question

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I have been trying to find a cart program for a while that will do what i need and so for Presta has been the best i've used. but my question is on the attributes.

I'm trying to find a way to be able to Set an attribute that I can control globally.


Attribute Group - Material Color
Attribute - Red,Green,Blue,Yellow....

I want to create a range of products that all use the same group and attributes since. Then if I run out of the material I simply disable that one in the group and it effects all products but when I get it back in stock I can simply enable it again without having to reload set every single product

I hope this makes since.

Right now the only way I can see to do it is. Load the group and colors, Then load each product with every color and I would have to manually go in and delete the colors as they sell out. I can't use a stock/qty feature because I have multiple items that use the same inventory of material.

Thanks for your help!

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Everything is possible, but this is not built into Prestashop, it will require making quite a few changes to the structure, so you could assign a quantity per attribute and it will apply to all the products, and when you purchase a product with an attribute, the stock will be reduced for all the products that contain it.

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