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[Solved] homepage_logo.jpg does not show properly

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My homepage logo does not show properly. I'm using PrestaShop version 1.4.3. The home page logo that i had uploaded with dimension 550px X 228px show at my website at a compress version and align to the left. Besides if i upload a smaller picture it align the picture to the left. Suppose the picture should align it to the center. How to make the picture show properly?

My webpage is: http://www.esoftbay.com/

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Did you set the width and height in the Editorial Module in the BO?
It currently shows width="230" height="260"

Depending on your version of PS, there may need to be changes made to editorial.tpl in the modules/editorial directory.

How to change the width and height? Can you show me step by step? Besides from the file guideline editorial.tpl you had given it did not show any dimension number.
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The file probably had something like this, correct?

{if $homepage_logo}getMediaLink($image_path)}" alt="{$editorial->body_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}" {if $image_width}width="{$image_width}"{/if} {if $image_height}height="{$image_height}" {/if}/>{/if}

To change the width and height open the Editorial Configuration screen in the Back Office Modules tab.

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You mean go to admin control panel>Modules>Front Office Features>Home Text Editor right but there isn't any available configuration there for me to change. Besides, the picture show properly inside this configuration menu.
If you mean change the code then how? Can you show me with example?

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Since it obviously isn't there, you need to check to see if these values are in your database.

Check the ps_configuration table for an entry where the name is EDITORIAL_IMAGE_HEIGHT or EDITORIAL_IMAGE_WIDTH.

SELECT * from ps_configuration where name like 'EDITORIAL_IMAGE_%'

If you have no values, then you need to enable the module and configure it by uploading the image there, not just overwriting the image in the modules/editorial folder.

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