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[Solved] Site down after having added keywords

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As i said in the title, i added keywords for SEO through the BO, and when i clicked to save this, BOOM!
"Fatal error: Undefined class name 'configuration' in /homez.443/lesvinsdt/www/config/config.inc.php on line 104" on the BO and BOOM!:
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /homez.443/lesvinsdt/www/index.php on line 29" on the site...
I erased the keywords in DB, but it didnt change nothing
I tried to disable the line 104 in confing.inc.php, but it just changed the error:
"Fatal error: Undefined class name 'language' in /homez.443/lesvinsdt/www/config/config.inc.php on line 106

Please help me ASAP the site is down and thats the panic on board!

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as usual, i found the solution myself...
the operation i made generated a new .htaccess file and that was the source of my pb.
i just put my good ol .htacess back and voilà!
to avoid this stupid pb, go in your backoffice>tools>generator>spe config and put your .htaccess file content in there.
thanks to me..
you're welcome ;)

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  • 5 months later...

Thanks for this I did the same thing, I thought I was going to cry! I uploaded my .htaccess file and perfect, back to normal.


You may have solved it yourself, but I am sure you have helped more people than just me - so thanks for posting your resolution!

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