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[Solved] show numbers best seller like a top 5


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Can someone help me modify the 'best seller' block?
I like to make a sort of Top5 block with best sold products.
Since I sell downloads it would be more logical to remove the images
and make a short description of the title.

I would manage to make something like this:

|||||||||||  TOP 5  |||||||||||||||

1) (name-product) - (name-manufacture)
  (feature description)
2) Billie Jean - Michael Jackson
  Genre: classics
3) Black Eyed Peas - I gotta feeling
  Genre: dance
4) etc

It shouldn't be hard I think, but I don't have the know-how to do this.

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Open the /prestashop-root/modules/blockbestsellers/blockbestsellers.tpl file

And remove 32th to 35th lines (

  • ....)

>        </pre>
getImageLink($best_sellers.0.link_rewrite, $best_sellers.0.id_image, 'medium')}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" width="{$mediumSize.width}" alt="{$best_sellers.0.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />
           {if $best_sellers|@count > 1}getImageLink($best_sellers.1.link_rewrite, $best_sellers.1.id_image, 'medium')}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" width="{$mediumSize.width}" alt="{$best_sellers.1.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />{/if}

Thats all. (ps v1.4.3)

Or use an already modified file was attached ;)
good luck


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You can give numbers by using

  1. ....
tag in html.
Eg: find and change following

>        </pre>


       {foreach from=$best_sellers item=product name=myLoop}

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This is what I figured out my self:


public function hookRightColumn($params)
       if (Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE'))
           return ;

       global $smarty;
       $currency = new Currency((int)($params['cookie']->id_currency));
       $bestsellers = ProductSale::getBestSalesLight((int)($params['cookie']->id_lang), 0, 5);
       if (!$bestsellers AND !Configuration::get('PS_BLOCK_BESTSELLERS_DISPLAY'))
       $best_sellers = array();
       foreach ($bestsellers AS $bestseller)
           $bestseller['price'] = Tools::displayPrice(Product::getPriceStatic((int)($bestseller['id_product'])), $currency);
           $best_sellers[] = $bestseller;
       foreach (range(1, 5) AS $number)
           'best_sellers' => $best_sellers,
           'number' => $number,
           'mediumSize' => Image::getSize('medium')));
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blockbestsellers.tpl');

And the tpl file:

<!-- MODULE Block best sellers -->

getPageLink('best-sales.php')}">{l s='Top sellers' mod='blockbestsellers'}

   {if $best_sellers|@count > 0}
{$number} - {$product.name|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{$manufacturer.name|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

getPageLink('best-sales.php')}" title="{l s='All best sellers' mod='blockbestsellers'}" class="button_large">{l s='All best sellers' mod='blockbestsellers'}

{l s='No best sellers at this time' mod='blockbestsellers'}

<!-- /MODULE Block best sellers -->

But all I see is this:

5 - (product title)
5 - (product title)
5 - (product title)
5 - (product title)
5 - (product title)

All the titles have the number 5 before it....
But is has to be from 1 to 5 .

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You can give numbers by using
  1. ....
tag in html.
Eg: find and change following

>        </pre>


       {foreach from=$best_sellers item=product name=myLoop}

Whuahhaa... That's exactly what I mean!
I was thinking to hard I guess... LOL
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Your foreach makes $number integer. So you see "5".
You must give a change to smarty. It can do it.

You can simple use

$smarty.foreach. .index

for getting loop ordinate.
So Changing




in your TPL file, will fix it.

Good luck

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One more thing (Steve Jobs kinda voice).....

How can I echo the manufacturer name? I like to have it BEFORE the product name...

Im sorry thats imposible without edit php
Block best sellers module, gets only following fields

   [id_product] => 1
   [link_rewrite] => ipod-nano
   [name] => iPod Nano
   [description_short] =>asdasdasdlasks as.dç ö.asçdö .aç
   [id_image] => 1-37
   [legend] => iPod Nano
   [sales] => 14
   [ean13] => 0
   [upc] => 
   [category] => music-ipods
   [link] => http://......ct=1

You may query Product by id_product than get Manufacturer by product->id_manufacturer ....

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You may query Product by id_product than get Manufacturer by product->id_manufacturer ....

Thank you Mahmutta.

Can you help me with the code??

Find following lines 100-101 in blockbestseller.php
foreach ($bestsellers AS $bestseller)

Add this lines after it

           $pro = new Product ($bestseller['id_product'], (int)($params['cookie']->id_lang));
           $man = new Manufacturer($pro->id_manufacturer);
           $bestseller['manufacturer'] = $man->name;

Replace line 34th in blockbestseller.tpl to following

{$product.name|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} {$product.manufacturer}

thats all
Modified files attached


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Sorry to border you one more time my friend ;-)

Now I want to show one value of the features. This is what I tried so far:

Php file after

foreach ($bestsellers AS $bestseller)
           $pro = new Product ($bestseller['id_product'], (int)($params['cookie']->id_lang));
           $man = new Manufacturer($pro->id_manufacturer);
           $bestseller['manufacturer'] = $man->name;

I put this


           $feat = new Feature ($bestseller['id_feature'], (int)($params['cookie']->id_lang));
           $featval = new FeatureValue($feat->id_feature_value);
           $bestseller['feature'] = $featval->value;

And in tpl file (got it from my 1.3.7 template):

{foreach from=$product.features item=feature}
               {if $feature.name eq "Genre: "}{$feature.value}{/if}

Must be doing stupid here... :-s

Can you help me one more time please?

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