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Matrice theme v1.4 - new product picture error

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I am having the same problem. Thumbnail images under the New Products and Top Seller Blocks are not showing. The link to the images do not exist. How do I solve this. These images come up whenever I change to the default prestashop theme.

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I am having the same problem. Thumbnail images under the New Products and Top Seller Blocks are not showing. The link to the images do not exist. How do I solve this. These images come up whenever I change to the default prestashop theme.

Well. I worked out a solution.

I edited themes/blackwhite/modules/blocknewproducts.tpl by changing the codes that fetch the thumbnail images below:

I found 4 instances of the code above in the file with the only differences being in the numbers contained in each instance, i.e. $new_product.0.id_image, $new_product.1.id_image, $new_product.2.id_image, etc. I then changed the code above to the one below:

getImageLink($new_products.link_rewrite, $new_products.0.id_image, 'medium')}" alt="{$new_products.0.legend|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'}" />

Please note that I made necessary changes in the numbers in the 4 instances where I made the changes.

I noticed that the forum editor is stripping the codes so I am attaching a copy of my edited blocknewproducts.tpl
Download and use instead of copying the code above. I left the codes above since you might need some explanations. Copy only the needed lines from the file since Division tags might vary in Matrice. Keep a backup of your original file please.

All the best!

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its doset work. i edited the file from matrice theme,its still no image.could you mind uploading a full version edited matrice theme for 1.4 to me?

Have you tried the one uploaded by Henbo? He attached the file for Matrice theme. The file is a text file so you have to rename from blocknewproducts.txt to blocknewproducts.tpl.
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It doesn't work for me.

I've uploaded the new file but it does'nt work. How can i "reload" the module to use the new blocknewproducts.txt ?

Thank you in advance,

Did you rename blocknewproducts.txt to blocknewproducts.tpl? You can ensure your changes are reflected by going to the backend and going to PREFERENCE - PERFORMANCE. Set "Force compile" to YES and reload. Make sure you set it back to NO after the change is reflected.
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It doesn't work for me.

I've uploaded the new file but it does'nt work. How can i "reload" the module to use the new blocknewproducts.txt ?

Thank you in advance,

Did you rename blocknewproducts.txt to blocknewproducts.tpl? You can ensure your changes are reflected by going to the backend and going to PREFERENCE - PERFORMANCE. Set "Force compile" to YES and reload. Make sure you set it back to NO after the change is reflected.

Ok It's working now. Thanks :)
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