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Cannot import this CSV and dont know why

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I have been struggling with Prestashops import functionality for weeks.

I have a csv file that is in the prestashop format. Ive attached a small sample here that the issue occurs.

What is happening is that not all of the records import.

The ones that do not import get thier IMAGE URLs listed with the next item.

For example, on the attached CSV when I load it the 4th record does not import, and its image url gets listed with record 5.

You can see this in action at http://www.magicvault.net/presta/product.php?id_product=4

I see nothing wrong with the data in the csv, so I do not know why this occurs. I can reproduce it every time if I wipe the database out and try again – it happens every time.

Can someone try importing this into a test shop of thiers, or look over the csv to see if you see anything… or maybe you know of an issue with presta shop that needs a workaround?

Im at a loss of how to fix this and really need help.


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