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Attributes not changing the price

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I have jut started listing my site with Prestashop and everything was working fine all of the attributes were working correcty.

For each item you can choose a color and then the packaging which has different prices. Up until this afternoon when you clicked on the drop down menu for the packaging the price changed like it was supposed to, now all of the sudden it has stoped changing, have no clue why.

I am using Prestashop 1.4 and here is my site


Thanks For The Help

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There's a Javascript error on your page with is most likely the cause.

Error: in_array is not defined
Source File: http://southerngirlbakery.com/themes/prestashop/js/product.js
Line: 93

that function is normally defined in /themes/prestashop/js/tools.js but it's missing from your file.

Try getting a clean copy of that file from PS installation, or add the following function (although other things may be missing)

//verify if value is in the array
function in_array(value, array)
   for (var i in array)
       if (array[i] == value)
           return true;
   return false;

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