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[Solved] Group-based Specific Pricing Not Working

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I'm having a big problem with Specific Price. I have a customer group called Wholesale. I set up a specific price rule for a product that reduces its price from $8 to $5, starting at a quantity of 10 units, but the price won't change. I tried setting up an identical rule for all customers and it worked fine. I tried it again for the Wholesale group without a minimum quantity and it didn't work. I'm wondering if it's because my test customer is set up as a member of the default group *and* the Wholesale group (of course, the backend won't allow me to unset the default group, so that's a big problem if that's what's up). Has anyone successfully created groups-based specific prices? This is a massive problem if I can't get it working.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

EDIT: I just tried a rule for the Default group instead of the Wholesale group and it worked fine. Now I'm thinking it might be seeing the Default first in the DB and considering the user as part of that group instead of the Wholesale. I'll do some investigation in that direction...

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I am developing a terrible habit of solving my posts within an hour or two of posting them. Anyway, I found this post: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/104440/configuring___using_prestashop/solved__issues_creating_a_wholesale_group__not_receiving_a_discount_on_selected_customers which made it clear that I was adding users to the Wholesale group incorrectly. Now that I've cleared that up, it works fine. D'oh.

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