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prestashop_alt and import/export theme

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I am trying to learn to theme Prestashop and changing css and images is pretty straight forward and works via ftp. So I wanted then to use the theme installer and bundle my own theme but every time I try to upload it states bad config file. So for an experiment I unzipped prestashop_alt theme then re-zipped it - guess what bad config file with no alterations to the files at all. I use Linux normally so I tried on Windows but unfortunately the same result. Any ideas anyone?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a similar problem. I'm using PrestaShop™
I've modified the prestashop_alt template for having a grid layout for the products.
Then, I've created a zip file for this new template; unfortunately, when I try to import it in Prestashop (through the themeinstallator) I always get the same error: "Cattivo file di configurazione" (in english is "Bad config file").
(I'm sure that the config.xml file is included in the zip file).
Why that error?

More, I've also checked the template with the theme validator. This is the validator result:

Theme: prestashop_alt_grid
Missing file (0)
Require file (0)
Other file (0)
Code compatibility by file
Module code compatibility by file

What does it mean?
Thank you.


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