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Translating text in php files

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I'm trying to translate my site, and need to change some front-office text located in a .php file. I know in a .tpl file, you use {l s='Your text' mod='yourmodulename'} and then do the translation in Tools > Translations > Module translations.

What about for .php files? How can I translate the text for these files? {l s='Your text' mod='yourmodulename'} and $this->l('Your text') don't seem to work.

Thank you.

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You can add this line of code:




$this->displayName = $this->l('My module');

$this->description = $this->l('Description of my module.');



This will let the dispaly namd and description appear on the Tools > Translations > Module translations screen.


But what if we want to translate a text outside the constructor, is there a way?

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  • 3 years later...


I'm trying to translate my site, and need to change some front-office text located in a .php file. I know in a .tpl file, you use {l s='Your text' mod='yourmodulename'} and then do the translation in Tools > Translations > Module translations.


What about for .php files? How can I translate the text for these files? {l s='Your text' mod='yourmodulename'} and $this->l('Your text') don't seem to work.


Thank you.



Try this


$this->l('My string', 'filename')


For instance, in the /bankwire/controllers/front/validation.php file:

die($this->module->l('This payment method is not available.', 'validation'));




Edited by matin_gh (see edit history)
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