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Create cart for customer to pay additional costs

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I have the following situation with my customers.

I ship for free worldwide.

If they return a item for an exchange I have no trouble switching it to there wishes.

However I will not pay again for shipment.

Now I manualy add an order for shipping costs with status waiting for bank wire transfer.
They have now only one choice to pay by bankwire transfer.

I would like to make a new shopping cart for this customer (with the shipping costs), that stands ready for checkout as soon as the customer logs in.
This way I'm able to offer all the regular payment options, creditcard, paypal etc.

Is there a way to do this?

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That is only to recover a cart and process it to an order in the backoffice.
I have this sollution allready with the Orlique Order manager Module.

How do you guys work with extra payments.
For example a customer changes there minds to switch the order into another item that is more expansive?
How do you process the extra costs the customer still needs to pay?

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