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Cron array problem

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Hi, I've made a cron.php with these settings. It's my first programming but never to old to learn :-)
I call this cron.php with:

$secureKey = "password";
if (isset($_GET['secure_key']))
   if (empty($secureKey) OR $secureKey !== $_GET['secure_key'])
       die ('statshome not updated');
   if (!empty($secureKey) AND $secureKey !== $_GET['secure_key'])
       die ('statshome not updated');
   if (!empty($secureKey) AND $secureKey === $_GET['secure_key'])
       $statshome = new StatsHome();

The cron.php calls the statshome.php:

   public function cronTask($params)
       global $cookie;

       /* Email generation */
       $subject = $this->l('Statshome');
       /* Email sending */
       $templateVars = array(
       '{verkocht}'            => Tools::displayPrice($results['total_sales'], $currency),
       '{total_registrations}'    => intval($results['total_registrations']),
       '{total_orders}'        => intval(Tools::getValue('total_orders')),
       '{total_viewed}'        => intval(Tools::getValue('total_viewed')),
       '{total_carts}'            => intval(Tools::getValue('total_carts')),
       '{total_visitors}'        => intval(Tools::getValue('total_visitors'))

       $iso = Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)); 
       if (!Mail::Send(intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')), 'guestbook', $subject, $templateVars, Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL'), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__).'/mails/'))
           $error = $this->l('Er is een fout opgetreden, probeer het nog eens!'); 
           echo $this->l('Cron mail statshome succes');

   public function hookBackOfficeHome($params)
       global $cookie;

       $currency = Currency::getCurrency(intval(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')));
       $results = $this->getResults();
       $employee = new Employee(intval($cookie->id_employee));
       $id_tab_stats = Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminStats');
       $access = Profile::getProfileAccess($employee->id_profile, $id_tab_stats);
       if (!$access['view'])
           return '';
       $this->_html = '

'.Tools::displayPrice($results['total_sales'], $currency).'



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