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[Solved] problema 1.4.3 (dupa instalare reusita/fresh install)

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am schimbat hostingul si dupa fresh install pot accesa back office...dar...front office(shop) nu.
daca accesez pagina shopname.com imi da 404....
dac intru in back office pot accesa orice..install module/teme etc... nu inteleg ce are index.php de imi da 404 error.
am putina experienta cu prestashop si nu stiu daca e vreo eroare din partea mea sau e ceva de la hosting.

va multumesc ,

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am creat un fisier blank htaccess...cu frendly url... dar surpriza...nu pot accesa front office
la config e bifat ca yes use prestashop webservice...dar nimic
"We could not check if basic authentication and rewrite extensions are activated. Please manually check if they are activated in order to use the PrestaShop webservice" unde verific asta? in htaccess ?

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si ce vrei sa insinuezi? (dac vrei sa pun http:// in fata la shop name si ssl nu merge)
eu cred ca la host e rewrite url off. le-am dat email si astept rasp... (eu incerc sa inteleg cum pot sa il pornesc eu din htaccess sa fie on)


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