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[Solved] Hooks Selection is grayed out

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I tried looking in the forums but couldn't find nothing. I know it's a easy fix but not sure how to resolve it. I am testing out prestashop and when I go Back Office | Modules | Positions | Transplant a module and try to move the module in another hook it's grayed out. I can't change that or the Module. What am I doing wrong. I have this installed on a webhost server and local server. I can move them with LiveEdit but not with the drop down list.

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Did the same thing, so I tried live edit. When I saved, everything on the right side of the page disappeared so I had to go back and re-add everything again. The only way to transplant modules in the back end is to go to -

Back Office > Modules > Positions

Next click the link under these bread crumbs titled " Transplant a module"

From there you can arrange to your heart's content. If you decide to do live edit, make sure your domain settings are correct, i.e. that if you only have www set up, that you log in with www, if you have a redirect to your domain, or are using a subdomain, you need to add that in presta shop. Only edit from the domain you have associated with presta shop, it will save you alot of frustration and headaches.

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