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MATRICE Left aligment issue + TOP MENU BLOCK

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I am having a problem with the left aligment of the categories left column div, I have read throughout the whole forum finding some fixes to the categories page when you click home, that is now ok, but now I have a problem when I click on a certain category, there is white space above the left column which I cannot get rid of, there is a topic in the forum with the same problem

Using Matrice

[solved] Matrice Left column product list alignment issue.

which is labeled as solved but does not state the fix to the problem, can someone please post a fix to this problem if it has been solved or help me edit the files to solve it?

Regarrding the top menu block, in the Matrice theme when you first install it, you have

Home Delivery Legal Notice iPod Nano

on the top bar, however how do you add new links to the menu? and what is Ipod Nano there? Please help me regarding this issue.

I would really appreaciate it.

Thanks in advance


edit: And please where can you translate he horizontal menu along with the search box "search"

thank you


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Hi Pete,

please can you let me know where to translate this see attachment + the word VIEW, i cannot find the word CART and VIEW any where..

you can change this in the file "product-list.tpl" between line 40-44

Hope that helps!
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Hi Pete,

about your question:

Regarrding the top menu block, in the Matrice theme when you first install it, you have

Home Delivery Legal Notice iPod Nano

on the top bar, however how do you add new links to the menu? and what is Ipod Nano there?

You can change this in the admin section under modules ->Top horizontal menu v1.x

There you can manage your complete horizontal Menu structure.

Check it out!
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Thanks Sundoctor, i have now been able to edit the top menu i have mentioned above. Thanks for your help. I have not found the lines in the products-list.tpl to edit the words CART and VIEW.

I have instead found the fields in the admin panel tools>translations>translate modules>matrice theme section where you can translate the words View and Cart.

Problem partly solved!

Problem solved only partly because I have noticed that the words CART and VIEW only transtaled on the homepage of my shop, when i click on a certain category it is not translated?

Can anyone help me please with this?

New problem:
How do you translate the word HOME in the horizontal top menu?? I have gone through the whole prestashop admin and have been unable to find a translation for it? Any help regarding this issue ? thanks.

Ongoing problem:
Now can someone please help me to fix the white space above the categories as posted in image one? I am sure there is a fix, just I am new and do not know my whay around the file system and what I can change and how.

I would appreciate any help



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Hi Pete,

About your problem with:

How do you translate the word HOME in the horizontal top menu?? I have gone through the whole prestashop admin and have been unable to find a translation for it? Any help regarding this issue ?

Go to modules->horizontal Menu. There you can add a new link with the name you want. Just add the name and url you need and click the Button "add". Now you can choose above the Link you want to see in your TOP-Menu. Click Button "Add"
To get the right URL just copy it from the addressline in your browser. (like: index.php = homesite)
Thats it. Hope that helps.
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Next problem:

I have instead found the fields in the admin panel tools>translations>translate modules>matrice theme section where you can translate the words View and Cart.

Problem partly solved!

Problem solved only partly because I have noticed that the words CART and VIEW only transtaled on the homepage of my shop, when i click on a certain category it is not translated?

Go to admin panel tools>translations>translate frontend section->products
There you can translate all this stuff. (I only use PS1.3x) but I think in 1.4 it's the same. Just give it a try.
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Ongoing problem:

Now can someone please help me to fix the white space above the categories as posted in image one? I am sure there is a fix, just I am new and do not know my whay around the file system and what I can change and how.

It's a CSS-problem. Cause I only use (PS1.3x) I don't exactly know how the category.css in Matrice Theme 1.4 looks like.
But there are threads here in the forum which help you out with this problem. Just enter "Matrice 1.4 category" in the forum search. A solution for this, you can also find here:

Move to the right side. the princip is same with the my account page

Hope you can manage your problem, if not let me know.

Have a nice day!
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  • 3 weeks later...


I have managed to get all problem sorted except the aligment of the categories, please could someone post a fix on how to get the left categories block to align at the top? I have read the whole forum regarding the alignment but have not been able to fix this problem.

I am using Matrice version 1.4

If someone could please post a guide or the files already edited to save time I would be very very greatful.

Thank you very much



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Please someone help me, there seems to be a problem onlz with the sub categories, when I am on category pages it seems to work ok without the white spice but as soon as I click on a sub caterogy it displays it with the white space.


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