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cloudflare to optimize the performance of the store. cloudflare.com

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Hello everyone.
I wonder if someone uses the cloudflare to optimize store performance.
I have this option on my server.
The question of the site being cached by multiple servers in the world, will change the request? for example. I have a product that is no longer in stock, but still in stock on another server that is in the cloud?
Thanks for the replies.
Sorry for bad English.

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Cloudflare is only caching static content like css, images etc so it will not show old pages.
Anyways I played around with cloudflare and I am reverting now to normal setup as for me it is not transparent enough. One of the first days I tested my orders unusually dropped and when I tuned the security settings the next days they went back to nornmal. Although it has some nice stats it is not transparent for me enough to see what is really happening behind the curtain.
When I will update PS to new version I will possibly use it as a cdn by routing it as a media server.
Regards, trip

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