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Minimum Order Quantity

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i want to declare a minimum order quantity of products. But my problem is, that im using variations of products and on every variation i have to specify a single minimum order quantity. <- Thats not what i want!

My intention is, to specify a minimum order number to a single product, no matter which variation is selected. E. g. i have a pair shoes "Nike Air Max" in 4 different sizes and colors. So i have to create variations of colors. But what i want is to specify a minimum order number just to "Nike Air Max" not to its variations. The result should be: Ordering Nike Airmax in color, green, blue, black and white.<- Minimum order quantity would be 4, no matter which variation is selected. How to handle this in prestashop. If i start to make variations of a product, prestashop ask me for declaring minimum order number of every variation in the variations-form.

would be nice if someone could help me

thanx sonny

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But what would you do that ? What is your business model? It does'nt seem to me like a common use of PrestaShop. PrestaShop is not meant to be doing that this way.
If you give me more information, I might give you a hand



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thanx for you post!
The purpose is to create a retailer-shop, in which you have to buy at least 8 pieces of a single product, no matter which size or variations. Custumors are e.g. sports-clubs. But there is no possibility to make a minimum order quantity only to a sinlge product in prestashop, you must specify a minimum order to every variation (sizes), WHEN A VARIATION IS CREATED.

If a product in Prestashop has no variations, then you can specify in the Product-Form, a minimum order quantity. But when i start to create variations, Prestashop forces me to declare a automatic minimum-order-quantity-function by using 0! how to avoid this?


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