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Adding flash to home page

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XBfish thanks for your reply, but I don't seem to be able to work out how to do it still.

I have opened modules/editorial/editorial.tpl in Dreamweaver but Im not sure where to put the file, I have no knowledge of PHP and I get this code:

{if $editorial->body_home_logo_link}body_home_logo_link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$editorial->body_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}">{/if}
{if $homepage_logo}getMediaLink($image_path)}" alt="{$editorial->body_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}" {if $image_width}width="{$image_width}"{/if} {if $image_height}height="{$image_height}" {/if}/>{/if}
{if $editorial->body_home_logo_link}
{if $editorial->body_logo_subheading}


{elseif $editorial->body_logo_subheading}


{if $editorial->body_title}


{elseif $editorial->body_title}


{if $editorial->body_subheading}


{elseif $editorial->body_subheading}


{if $editorial->body_paragraph}

{elseif $editorial->body_paragraph}

Could you please advise where i should put it?

What do you mean by "clear your Prestashop cache, or temporary disable the cache and enable Smarty force recompile at Back-Office -> Performance" what difference would it make? I have looked in Back Office > Preferences > Performance and can't see any of the afore mentioned.

Your help is and will be greatly appricitaed
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Answer to your 1st question:

Delete or comment using (!--) all code in between:

   delete or comment ALL THE CODES are here....

From here, insert your flash file as follow:

   insert your swf here....

For your 2nd question:

Prestashop does cache your theme file so that end-users will be able to load the site faster. If you have cache enabled, any changes to Prestashop template files will not be reflected.

As such, you need force Smarty (Prestashop engine) to recompile the templates and disable temporary disable the cache.

Once you are done editing all the template files in Prestashop or when you are uploading Prestashop to a live server, you should disable Smarty force recompile and enabled cache. This is to enable less loading time for your customers.

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I will sort out a free hosting service and pass it on to you, give me a couple of days. Should I try and put the Flash file as I think it should go first?

Also how do I go about uploading a PHP file. IE the connecting the SQL databases. So far I have been working with xampp

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